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Coronary angiogram and stenting


Coronary angioplasty and stenting are procedures that opens narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. In this procedure, Dr Wong will attempt to widen your blocked artery with a balloon (angioplasty) and a small, wire mesh tube (stent). Modern stents are coated with special drugs that prevents recurrent blockage of the vessel.


Dr Wong may recommend coronary angioplasty and stenting to:


  • Identify blockages shown in your coronary angiogram - and find out if they are suitable for stenting

  • Diagnose and treat coronary artery disease – if you have symptoms of chest pain and breathlessness

  • Help reduce the amount of heart muscle damage - if you have had a heart attack, this procedure can open a blocked artery


For appointment, contact us:
0403 331 488

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